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Open Ministry Position

Director of Youth and Outreach


Three Rivers Baptist Church (TRB) is a Reformed Baptist Church in the growing area of Irmo, South Carolina, a suburb of our state's capital, Columbia. Our mission is to glorify God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ, locally and globally, in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

In dependence upon our Lord, we are searching for a man to help lead our church in the strategic role of Director of Youth and Outreach. This man will come alongside the Lead Pastor, elders, and ministry staff to help accomplish the mission of being and making disciples.  This is a full-time position that includes benefits and relocating expenses.  In this document, we will briefly describe our church, the man for whom we are praying, what we need for him to do, and how you can learn more.


We expect the Lord to grant us wisdom throughout this process as we together prayerfully seek his will.


If you would like to know more about our church feel free to visit our website at, or else you can contact our church office at (803) 781-2293.


If you would like to apply for this position, please send an email with your current resume to:



Desired Candidate Profile

Relationship with the Lord

A. Is passionate about, and therefore consistently demonstrates a close personal relationship with the Lord; is enthusiastic about his own walk, thereby modeling to the Youth an authentic, growing heart for God


B. Is above reproach in every area of his personal life


Personal Characteristics

A. Personality

1. Loving, friendly, confident in his convictions, yet gracious in demeanor, compassionate, humble, characterized by integrity, cooperative, selfless and a team player

2. Emotionally and socially mature

3. Responsible and dependable


B. Family

If the Lord has blessed the Director of Youth and Outreach with his own family, he is to be actively and effectively shepherding that family as unto the Lord.

1. If married, he is to faithfully love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25-30), honoring her, preferring her and living with her in an understanding way.  They should enjoy a relationship of mutual commitment to one another’s growth in the Lord, and they should consistently help and encourage each other in the fulfillment of their respective ministries.  She should be ready to share her own abilities and energies with the Youth and with others in the church according to the Lord’s gifting and enablement, however we do not presume that she will necessarily assume leadership roles or responsibilities by virtue of her husband being the Director of Youth and Outreach.

2. If he has children, the Director of Youth and Outreach must be actively endeavoring to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), and the children must also be characterized as being under submission to their parents.


Preferred Level of Education

      Bachelor’s degree


Preferred Experience and Capabilities

A. Has a demonstrated giftedness, passion, enthusiasm and heart for ministering to Youth


B. Is solidly grounded in the Scriptures and has the ability to rightly interpret the Word


C. Possesses good communication skills and is able to teach Youth effectively


D. Is organized and able to administrate and promote all Youth functions efficiently and effectively


E. Is able to manage conflict in a biblical manner


F. Is able to provide biblical counseling to Youth and their parents


G. Has experience working with and leading teams, fostering cohesiveness and purposefully developing team members



A. Maintains a conservative, orthodox position on basic doctrine: the inerrancy of the Bible, the virgin birth of Christ, justification by faith in Christ, the bodily resurrection, and the return of Christ


B. Understands and has incorporated the Doctrines of Grace into his life and ministry


Shares Our Church's Core Values, which are:

A. The inerrant, God-inspired Scriptures as God’s primary means of dispensing His grace to His church; expository preaching


B. Reformed, evangelical, baptistic theology


C. Christlike character (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1)


D. Humility - no ego driven desires, no personal agendas.  We serve Christ’s agenda, and at His pleasure, in any role that is His pleasure.


E. Shepherd’s heart for God’s people, serving sacrificially for those for whom He sacrificed Himself


F. Elder led church by a plurality of elders/overseers/pastors, among whom there is a division of labor, yet parity


G. High commitment membership, and especially by leadership


H. Loving fellowship of the Spirit


I. Devotion to prayer


J. Making Christ famous locally and internationally. Firmly embrace TRB’s mission policy


K. Benevolence (locally and internationally)


L. Biblical counseling (E.G., falling within ACBC/CCEF philosophy of counseling) 


M. Longevity in service (long versus short tenures)


N. Honesty and transparency with one another and with the body


O. Capability and growth in ministry


P. Proven, tested character precedes appointment to ministry (1 Timothy 3:10; Luke 16:10; 19:17; 2 Timothy 2:2)


Shares Our Philosophy of Youth Ministry, which is:

A. We believe that the goal of a ministry to Youth is a specific application of the purpose of the church. Three Rivers Baptist Church exists to glorify God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ, locally and globally, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Any ministry we have to our Youth must therefore have the same purpose and commitments.  In keeping with this, we believe that our ministry to Youth must be characterized by strong Bible teaching (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Furthermore, at the heart of our philosophy of ministry there must be a passion for the lost and a desire to see God’s mercy magnified among the nations (Psalm 67:1-2; I Peter 2:9-10).  An emphasis on both local and international evangelism is paramount.


B. Our primary emphasis is not on programs, trips, retreats, camps, fun outings, games etc. (although they may have their place in the Youth Ministry); rather the emphasis is on a ministry focused primarily on equipping our young people with the goal that they be presented complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28).


C. We believe that the essence of Youth Ministry is a strong family, which begins with the immediate family and encompasses the entire community of believers.  Our conviction is that parents are the primary Christian educators in the home (Deuteronomy 6:6-7), and that the family is the God-ordained institution for building faith in our Youth and for passing faith on from one generation to the next.  It is our observation that for too long (in American churches in general) this vision has been lost in a program-centered church culture in which parents find themselves in a very passive role rather than being integrally involved in shaping their children’s faith and lives. We therefore firmly believe that a major focus of Three Rivers Baptist Church’s ministry must be the teaching, training, and equipping of parents which will not only promote maturity in them, but will facilitate their greater involvement in ministry to their children both at home and at church. In keeping with this, we believe that the Youth Ministry should support rather than supplant parental leadership, authority and discipleship (Deuteronomy 6:7; Psalm 78:1-8).


One-on-one discipleship is important to the Youth Ministry, but it should not take the place of parents discipling their Youth when and where possible.


D. It is also our conviction that our Youth who are members of Three Rivers Baptist Church be involved in the various ministries of the church, and that they not be extracted from the main church        body to create a counter culture of their own within the church.   We therefore reject the notion that the young people of today are tomorrow’s church. We believe they are today’s church, and that they can and should be integrally involved in all aspects of ministry.



Position Overview

Working Relationships

A. Reports to the Lead Pastor (or in his absence to the Executive Administrator), and ultimately to the elder body


B. Provides leadership and vision to the Youth Ministry Team as they work together to fulfill the ministry entrusted to them. This will include guiding the team in setting and implementing goals and objectives which are consistent with our Philosophy of Youth Ministry. The Director will be responsible for reviewing the operations of the Team periodically in order to ensure that it is functioning effectively and, in a God-honoring manner.


C. Works closely with church staff and select ministry teams within the church


Youth Ministry Responsibilities

A. Leadership 

1. Serves as the primary Sunday School teacher and Small Group Leader for the Youth, providing effective teaching focused on the discerned, spiritual condition of the Youth by clearly calling unsaved Youth to personal salvation through Christ Jesus and by encouraging/equipping saved Youth to a vibrant and effective walk with Christ

2. Select other qualified teachers to teach age and gender appropriate material as necessity requires or when it is in the best interest of the Youth to do so

3. Prioritize time in such a way so as to develop good relationships and strong rapport with the Youth (e.g., one-on-one discipleship, meeting Youth for breakfast, assisting the Youth to apply spiritual disciplines to their lives, attending events at school etc.).  We believe that the man who serves in this role should be involved in the lives of our Youth to the extent that he can effectively shepherd them, knowing their strengths and struggles, encouraging them in their Christian walks, and affirming the love that we have for them, both through words and demonstration.


B. Administration

1. Lead and work along-side the Youth Ministry Team in planning social events, trips, retreats and other activities

2. Prepare for weekly Youth venues (study time, agenda, participants, etc.)

3. Develop ministry objectives and strategies (with input from the Youth Ministry Team) which align with the church’s vision


C. Equipping

1. Assist Youth in discerning and using their strengths for the good of the Youth group, and        of the Body as a whole

2. Work with the deacons and other ministry leaders to encourage qualified Youth to serve the Body in areas such as the multimedia booth, serving in the nursery, singing in the choir, etc.

3. Facilitate the discipleship of Youth in a way that supports, rather than supplants parental leadership, authority and discipleship


D. Communication

1. Encourage and promote effective communication between Adult ministries and Youth ministries for the purpose of integration

2. Develop and facilitate effective communication between the Youth Ministry Team and parents of the Youth

3. As applicable, maintain the Youth portion of the church's website and/or social media in cooperation with IT personnel


E. Coordination

1. Work with the Children’s Ministry Director in the assimilation of children moving into the Youth Ministry

2. Work with the Adult 1 (college age singles) elder to develop a plan to assimilate graduating high school students into Adult 1

3. Work closely with the Children’s Ministry Team and the Adult Christian Education team to ensure continuity of philosophy, focus and curriculum

4. Work closely with the ministry staff in the area of church-wide discipleship in order to have unity of theme and content throughout the discipleship ministries of the church to both adults and Youth


Outreach and Evangelism Responsibilities

In addition to the Youth Ministry responsibilities outlined above, the Director of Youth and Outreach will also be responsible for devoting a portion of his time to the administrative and organizational oversight of both one-time and on-going local outreach and evangelism ministries. 

1. Actively search out and undertake opportunities to engage the church in body-wide outreach and evangelism events within our community

2. Support, encourage and when called upon to do so, facilitate on-going, long-term ministries which have a significant evangelical component (such as prison ministries, school bible ministries, etc.)

3. Coordinate and support functions within the church such as the Visitor’s Welcome Center and periodic Visitor’s Luncheons


Note: While the amount of time required for these responsibilities can vary significantly throughout the year (based upon when particular events are being held) it is anticipated that only perhaps 10% of the Director's time, on average, will be devoted to church-wide outreach and evangelism.

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