We Gather Every Sunday and Wednesday
Plan Your Visit
Wednesday Evenings
Sunday Mornings
If it’s your first time visiting with us, please arrive a few minutes early so that we can say hello and if you have children, get them checked in for childcare if you would like!
Dress ranges from casual to dressy, so please come in what makes you feel comfortable!
Each week, we gather for prayer on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. This is a special time where we, the body, come together for prayer and worship. Each week brings with it a fresh new focus.
Our children and youth group meet separately for Wednesday services.
Our Worship Services at both 8:30 and 11:00 AM feature doctrinally rich worship through singing and expository preaching, while our Sunday School hour at 9:45 AM is characterized by focused study of God’s Word.
Our current preaching series is in the book of Genesis, and we are studying in the book of Matthew during our Sunday School hour.
Our Core Beliefs
Three Rivers Baptist Church is committed to glorifying God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ, locally and globally in the power of the Holy Spirit. We aim to magnify Christ and his gospel in all that we do as a church family. We take seriously Christ’s command to evangelize and disciple our community and the ends of the earth.
We are a distinctively Reformed Baptist Church in our doctrine and center our worship on the Word of God through expositional preaching and teaching. We praise our Creator and Redeemer with theologically rich songs that express our deep gratitude and devotion. At TRB, you will encounter a joyful people seeking to live gospel-centered lives on mission together.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25
Small Groups, Sunday School, and Worship
Getting plugged into our church is easy! Small groups are intimate times of learning and doing life together under the banner of Christ. Sunday School groups range from young children’s classes to adult classes that we call "flocks." Sunday Worship Service is a gathering of the full body to sing praises to Christ our King, be encouraged in prayer and special music, and most importantly to hear the Word of God preached.